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Nossas Referências


. A Geração Ansiosa - Jonathan Haidt - Compnhia das Letras

. Nação Dopamina - Anna Lembke - Vestígio

. A fábrica de cretinos digitais: O perigo das telas para nossas crianças - Michel Desmurget - Vestígio



Artigos Científicos (clique para ler na íntegra) 

. TIC Kids Online Brasil 2023: Crianças estão se conectando à Internet mais cedo no país

. Social Media Use and Adolescent Mental Health: Findings From the UK Millennium Cohort Study

. Effects (Physical, Behavioural and Psycho-social) of using Mobile Phones and other Devices with Internet Accessibility by Children\

. Smartphones, social media use and youth mental health

. The Anxious Generation - The evidence

. Global education monitoring report summary, 2023: technology in education: a tool on whose terms?

. Age of First Smartphone/Tablet and Mental Wellbeing Outcomes

PISA 2022: How smartphones and tablets can impact the learning (pág. 33)

Vídeos interessantes (clique para assistir)

. Jonathan Haidt: Smartphones vs. Smart Kids

. Daniel Becker: Redes sociais, crianças e adolescentes

. Paulo Telles: Crianças e o perigo da internet

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